About the MiC Awards
Click here to read about the winners and finalists for 2012
Inaugurated in 2008, the Awards offer a prize pool of $10,000 as an encouragement to groups that are often the unsung heroes of our national cultural life. In 2009, the Awards carried a ‘wellbeing’ theme, to draw out stories of local music groups and programs whose activities contribute to the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. In 2010 the theme was "Leadership" and in 2011, "Local Links - Community Music Connects the Dots". In 2012, the "Creative Ageing" theme highlighted an extraordinary range of activities to support and encourage older people to be involved in music making.
The awards have attracted hundreds of entries from diverse music groups including choirs, bands, orchestras, ukulele groups and drum circles; community and volunteer organisations delivering and supporting music programs in communities; Music Therapists; local Councils; Community Cultural Development practitioners; schools; and individuals.
The Music in Communities Awards are an initiative of Music. Play for Life, the Music Council of Australia’s grassroots music advocacy program aimed at getting more Australians musically active.
“Research shows there are more than 5 million ‘lapsed’ players in Australia – people who used to learn a musical instrument but no longer play,” says Music. Play For Life Campaign Director, Tina Broad.
“The same research says that most people who don’t make music say that it’s because they regard music as something that only ‘gifted’ people do. This mistaken belief results in many people missing out on music’s proven benefits which include better mental and physical health and stronger communities.
“These Awards give us an opportunity to celebrate the groups and individuals doing their bit to get more Australians making music and singing together.”
Award Winners:
Click here for the Music in Communities Awards Case Studies