
Community Choirs in Australia: Appendix 2


Please note that the term “choir” is used throughout to cover any kind of group where singing is the main reason for being.

1. What best describes the style of your choir?

Options: African-American Gospel; Barbershop / Sweet Adeline; Classical; Folk / traditional; Multicultural; Musical theatre; Pop / Contemporary; Religious; Other (please specify)

2. What best describes the pathway to membership of your choir?

Options: By audition; Non-audition / Open Door

3. What best describes the musical demands of your choir?

Options: All singers must be able to read music; Being able to read music is useful but not required; Singers don't need to be able to read music

4. How would you best describe the place of Australian music in your choir? (ie. music by Australian composers)

Options: It's all we sing; We make a conscious effort to include Australian music; We sing some but we don't make a conscious effort; Not appropriate to our type of choir

5. What best describes the training of your music director? Please select one.

Options: Degree in music education; Degree in music therapy; Other degree in music (eg. performance); Non-degree education in music; No music training; Other (please specify)

6. How much is the musical director paid per year? (if it is an unpaid/volunteer role, please type "0")

Options: Text box

7. Apart from the cost outlined in Question 6, what are the choir's costs per year?

Options: $0; up to $500; $500-$1000; $1000-2500; $2500-$5000; $5000-$10000; $10000-$50000; $50000+

8. Apart from the cost of your musical director, what are the three biggest expenses? Please select three of the following:

Options: Venue Hire; Public Liability Insurance; Professional Development / Workshops; Travel; Recording; Production management for performances; Marketing/publicity; Sheet Music; Commissioning new works; Accompanist; Other (please specify)

9. During the last year, has your choir received support from any of the following? Select any that apply

Options: Two columns (“Cash” and “Non-cash / in-kind (eg. waived venue hire, free printing)”) and 8 rows: Business; Church / Religious Organisation; Federal Government (or agency); Local Council; Local Club (eg. RSL, Bowling); Philanthropy; Professional Arts Organisation; School; State Government (or agency)

10. Annually, what does each singer pay to be in your choir? (if they don't pay anything, please type "0")

Options: Text box

11. How does your choir contribute to your community?

Options: Fundraising for charity; Free performances (in nursing homes, hospitals, schools, etc); Performing at civic events (eg. ANZAC Day, Citizenship ceremonies); Performing at community events (concerts in the park, carols, multicultural festival, etc); Singing workshops for the community; Other (please specify)

12. Name of choir

Options: Text box

13. Which of the following best describes your choir?

Options: Community-based Choir (adult / all ages); Semi-professional or Professional Choir; Institution-based Choir (eg. workplace, church); School Choir; Community-based Youth Choir (ie. outside school)

14. How long has the choir been running?

Options: 0-5 years; 5-10 years; 10-20 years; 20-30 years; 30+ years; Don't know

15. How many people from each age group sing in your choir?

Options: under 18; 18-25; 25-35; 35-45; 45-55; 55-65; over 65       

16. What percentage of your singers are male/female?

Options: Male; Female                                                          

17. How many times each year do you rehearse, on average?

Options: Text box

18. How many times each year do you perform, on average?

Options: Text box

19. What best describes the, town, city or area in which your choir is based? (eg. "Inner Sydney, NSW", "Toowoomba, QLD")

Options: Text box

20. If you would like to hear about the findings of this survey and join our mailing list, please provide your email address

Options: Text box

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