Other Resources
Community Music Online
How do you deal with all of the online tools available to you - websites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, email lists, and everything else at our disposal. It seems that community music groups in Australia cover the entire spectrum from "We have no idea how to deal it", through to "We'd like to but don't know how" and then "We're pretty comfortable with running an up-to-date web presence with integrated website, social media and e-newsletter". in this blog post we cover where to find help and a quick guide to social media.
This is our resources and links page for all things uke-related. The ukulele is becoming a popular instrument for community groups, probably due to its size, accessibility, price, and versatility.
This page also accompanies our article, "The Little Instrument that Could" (Music Forum Vol. 17 No. 3 Winter) on the resurgence of the ukulele in popular culture. Music Forum articles are available for paid members of the network.
The Importance of Breathing While NOT Playing
An article about good breathing technique for playing written by Evan Cooper for Dynamic Marching.
To read the article visit: http://www.dynamicmarching.com/articles/20090416_1
Community Music Victoria Articles
Community Music Victoria Inc. (CMV) is a not-for-profit, membership-based association which supports, promotes and facilitates music-making among Victorian communities.
They have compiled a comprehensive list of articles covering a vast range of community music topics, with an emphasis on singing. Their article list (as of 17/12/2009) is printed below. To read articles, or support CMV, visit their website: http://cmv.customer.netspace.net.au/
Copyright and Sheet Music
When we are handed a sheaf of photocopied sheet music for us to work with how many of us question if this is OK, or wonder whether the composer or writer is receiving fair payment for their work. Are we ever allowed to make photocopies of sheet music? What would happen if we were caught making illegal copies and for that matter, who does the catching and how?
Rebecca Foulcher is Licensing Services Manager of the Australian Performing Right Association and the Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (helpfully shortened to APRA|AMCOS). She helps us navigate the issues.